Monday, January 7, 2013

This Guy Blew It (but These Two Got It Just Right) ? Marketing ...

Have you ever seen someone wreck a bicycle on those funny video shows? They ride along looking good, then a wheel falls off or they fly over the handlebars.

That happened recently ? in a metaphorical way ? in my inbox.

A LinkedIn contact sent me a very professional, personalized note, suggesting we set up a time for a chat.

I agreed, but before we confirmed a time, he requested my email so he could send me more information about his service.

As they say on the Interwebs: ?Fail.??

Sure, I was interested in getting to know a new business contact, but by turning it into a selling meeting before I even met him, he lost my interest and, of course, my potential business.

Ouch! Sadly, that?isn?t?just a newbie mistake.

So many coaches and consultants find marketing is painful ? like flying over the handlebars of the bicycle ? because of mistakes like this one. Those painful mistakes chase away clients and make marketing uncomfortable and ?un-fun.?

As I often say to my clients about their marketing,

?If it hurts, you?re doing it wrong.?

The opposite is also true, as we see with two of my most successful clients? and their ?non-marketing? marketing.

Both live ?in the middle of nowhere,? in sparsely populated states (like I do). One ?markets? by striking up conversations with acquaintances in the clubhouse where he plays golf and over coffee after church.

The other visits with friends during shared activities, volunteers on committees in her small town and is a familiar face to everyone.

Until they realized they could turn these situations into fun, painless business-building opportunities, they thought they hated marketing? and?didn?t?do it!

When people are terrible at marketing, it?s really painful. Like flipping over the handlebars of a bicycle.

Others just do things they enjoy, and they seem to attract clients as though by magic. But it?s not magic ? it?s just?smart?marketing!

Get Your First Perfect Client

If you?d like to know exactly what I shared with my clients, the ?non-marketing marketers,? to make client attraction so easy for them, check out our new?webcast, ?How to Get Your First PERFECT Client.? On it I reveal the?fastest way to go from your first perfect client to a steady stream of perfect clients, so you can profit from your joy and genius.

red drawn arrowRegister for the free webcast here:??How to Get Your First PERFECT Client?

Soon you too can be riding along on your bicycle, knowing what not to do to send them away and how to attract all the clients you desire.

Photo by?Toronto History

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